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Article: Sticker Challenge! Create a jar of magic

Sticker Challenge! Create a jar of magic

Sticker Challenge! Create a jar of magic

Create a jar of magic or fill it with your hopes and dreams!

💗 Download and print-off the free jar templates from here or draw your own. We think A5 works best.

💙 Simply 'fill' the jar with stickers. Check out our fantasy and magic collection for sticker ideas. Make a wish when you finish the design and stick it in your notebook, journal or cork board to remind you of your wish, dreams and goals. 

🧡 Share your design with us on Insta using #postixplayoff to be in the running to win a prize!

💛 If you're account is private and you want to enter the competition, you can email us at


If you do want to be in the running for a prize, here's a few tips:
✔️ You have a very good chance of winning if all, if not the vast majority, of your stickers are from Postix.
✔️ Open to anyone worldwide!
✔️ You don't need to be a Postix Sticker Club member to join the fun.
✔️ You can play at anytime! There's no cutoff date to be eligible to enter, we'll just award a winner when we see something we love.

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Sticker Challenge! Create a Sticker Kaleidoscope

Sticker Challenge! Create a Sticker Kaleidoscope

Learn how to a sticker kaleidoscope - fun for both kids and adults.

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See how to use our rub on stickers
sticker tips

See how to use our rub on stickers

Check out this cute idea to make some festive gift tags using rub on stickers.

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